A Brief Introduction Intro in Israel - Palestine Conflict

A Brief Introduction Intro to  Israel - Palestine Conflict 


Let's talk about everything you need to know about Israel - Palestine Issue.
It's more complicated than you think.

It is safe to say that you can bet your life that all political border issues have something to do with our dear colonial overlord, the United Kingdom. If you have any doubts regarding this then you can speak with any Indian, he will have an interesting story for you. 
For today, let's focus on Jerusalem and not on New Delhi.

The birth of conflict

WW1  was fought between Germany, Australia, Hungary, and Turkey in the central powers.  France, Great Britain, Russia, Italy, Japan, USA joined the WWI as a chief guest in 1917. 
It's very rare when you see countries taking loans to fight a war. Great Britain was forced to take huge loans from the American Banks. To please American Jews and the Jews in Great Britain. British promised a settlement of a Jewish National home in the Ottoman Controlled Palestine under the Balfour Declaration. 
This sounded like a good idea because Great Britain was in desperate need of Jewish money but a messed up situation is that to break The Ottoman Empire they promised the same piece of land to the Arabs (Sharif of Mecca) for launching a rebellion against the Ottoman Empire. 
So, like every story. Because of the effective diplomacy of the British, a love triangle was created. 
Jews from all around the world were coming to Palestine but at that time no one imagined this would lead to such a big conflict. 
The situation got serious after WW2 when the great Adolf Hitler decided to kill Jews for no reason. In order to save their life we saw a huge migration of Jews to Palestine.

So now Britain has promised to give a piece of land to 2 parties. Instead of implementing a proper two-state Theory and accepting the mistake of making false promises, they tried to solve the issue with a 10-minute delivery guarantee. They were desperate to leave all the colonies that they owned. 

Israel declared its independence on 14th May 1948. The conflict intensified when Arab forces refused to accept 2 two-state theory and joined the Palestine forces to eliminate Israel but to everyone’s surprise. Israel won. 
Many wars were fought in subsequent years when Israel started gaining more area every time.

Now Arab countries want Israel to go back to the borders as the map of 1960. 
Israel has won all the wars so far. There was no way it was going to accept this condition.
And hence the drama continues…

Birth of Hamas 

Hamas, the Palestinian terrorist organization emerged in 1980 out of a perception among its founders that the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) was taking a relatively moderate stance during negotiations with Israel. Unlike the PLO, Hamas does not recognize the existence of Israel and seeks to eliminate it from the world map.

In 2006, Hamas won elections in the Gaza Strip and then gained control over the Gaza Strip.
This is a very bad situation. An extremist terrorist organization has legal control a land.
Since then Hamas has launched an attack on Israel almost every Sunday. 

While the missiles launched by Hamas were inexpensive and had limited range, Israel had to employ high-precision, technologically advanced missiles to counter them This highlights the principle that a good quantity of a bad quality is also a good quality.

In October 2023, Hamas launched approximately 5,000 homemade rockets in Israel. To counter these relatively low-cost projectiles, Israel was compelled to deploy high-precision, advanced missile systems. 
History has proven and Hamas also knows they can't inflict any serious damage on Israel but they hope to cripple Israel’s economy by making Israel economically unsustainable to afford the Iron Dome.
To protect against an attack from a 10$ rocket Israel is spending approximately 10,000 $ per missile.

Israel is no saint: 

Since its establishment in 1948, Israel's approach to the Palestinian issue has faced criticism hardly any steps are taken to show any sympathy towards the local Palestine people. Israel has created an apartheid system where Israel created illegal settlements where Arab Palestine people are being treated as 2nd class citizens. They are not allowed to roam freely in their own village. There have been frequent military searches and arrests of the locals. 

Israel’s stance is driven by the stance of fear. Since its inception, it has been fighting every day for its survival Israel feels the need to be ferocious and be hard against the Palestinian people but this has only elevated the problem. 
No efforts have been made to educate the people and rarely establish a system where both the community. Can leave peacefully.
The situation created by Israel is so bad that you can say it is the 2nd worst open-air prison. (next to North Korea )


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