Indio- China war (1962) {Part 2}

Sino-Indian war (1962)

The simplest way to explain India China war or 1962 can be explain by a story of a 15 year old girl who is writing is writing a tough exam without any preparation on the other hand her classmate has prepared for this examination since months moreover her classmate has already given similar examinations in the past and has passed with distinction.The only reason that girl is writing that exam is because someone forced her to. The most funny part is that  for some reason the girl refused to even see the questions printed on the back side of the paper because she was afraid that other classmate will know that question paper is of two pages.

In this story the the 15 year old girl is India, her classmate is China and the exam is Indo-China war (1962). China has already fought and won the civil war in 1950 on the other hand Indian army was unexperienced. The only war India fought before this was Indo-pak war that too under the leadership of a British general. This was the first time when India was in a open war with any country. Chinese army was well equipped with modern weapons like AK-47 which they got from Soviet Union on the other hand Indian army was fighting without warm clothes and with single shot rifle.China had deployed 80,000 troops and to fight them India had only 12,000 troops on the border.

The war started on 20 Oct 1962. Within 4 days China took control over a large area of NEFA (present day Arunachal Pradesh). In these 4 days of the war China crossed Mccmohan line and entered 60 km inside India, China also took control over a city named Tezpur. If you be honest what happened in 1962 was not a war. War is fought between two equal power , In 1962 China bullied India and gave a humiliating defeat. 
Zhou Enlai then made a offer of a Peace treaty according to which India will accept Chinese control over Aaksai Chin and China will go 20km behind the status quo (which is 40km more than Maccmohan line). India refused this humiliating treaty and the fight resumed.

The battle of Rezangla (Ladakh):
The Chinese army wanted to take control over Indian air strip in Chusul for which they had to cross Rezangla. At that time Major Shaitan Singh and 123 men killed approximately 1000 Chinese solider. In this battle India lost Major Shaitan Singh along with 114 men. These 123 brave men successfully stopped 1000 Chinese solider.

Why India faced a humiliating defeat? 
Indian army was not equipped to fight a high altitude war. Indian solider didn’t had basic requirements like warm clothes. There was no proper road network to keep continuous supply of food and ammunition. Very few air strips and helipad were present in NEFA (Arunachal Pradesh). 
Most important thing was the failure of Indian diplomacy. Because  of Jawaharlal Nehru, India was not with USA nor with Soviet Union. Non aligned block was a good move taken by honourable PM but we live in the real world and not an ideal world.
India refused to involve Indian navy and airforce in the war because India was concerned that China too will involve their navy and Air Force.
Total 1380 Indian  solider were killed in action. 1700 Indian solider were missing in action. Approximately 4000 Indian solider where captured by China as prisoners of war.

Unilateral Ceasefire by China
On 21st November, China unilaterally declared ceasefire and went behind the Mccmohan line but continued its control over Aaksai Chin. China was successful in its objective of flexing its muscle as a power centre in Asia. Moreover India was forced to stop the forward policy. China proved the world that it has a strong army and strong leadership which is more than capable of solving border dispute when needed.

Impact of Indo-China war 1962
1)Jawaharlal Nehru’s prestige suffered a huge loss in India and also internationally because it was Jawaharlal Nehru who trusted Chinese so much and gave a slogan  “Hindi Chini Bhai Bhai”
2)India understood that not only Pakistan but Pakistan and China are possible threat in the future 
3)Development of roads and air strip  in NEFA.

Republic gram 
Sujeet Amberkar
Insta :- @republic_gram_28


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