Indo- China war 1962 {part1}

Let’s look back in the history:
India got independence from British on 15th August 1947. During that time (1927-1950) China was going through a civil war. The civil was was fought between Nationalist and communist. Communist won and took over the control over China. The nationalist formed their own country named  “Republic of China “ commonly known as “Taiwan”. Western world opposed the China as USA,UK were not interested in a new communist power. Jawaharlal Nehru under his ambition of becoming a world leader  supported China on international stage.
Initially India never shared any border with China . Till 1951 Tibet was an autonomous state which used to act as a buffer between India and China. British India never made any permanent border with India and Tibet. The border was mutually assumed to be till the area of local dominance and geographical borders (local dominance in Aaksai Chin and geographical border in Arunachal Pradesh by recognising Mccmohan line) . India under leadership of Jawaharlal Nehru remained silent when China took over Tibet from Dalai Lama on the pretext of historical control over Tibet since years. Jawaharlal Nehru trusted China and in desire to make China happy he publicly supported Chinese annexation of Tibet  but on the other hand Jawaharlal Nehru himself welcomed Dalai Lama and gave him refuge .
In 1951 India refused the invitation for peace treaty at San Francisco because China was not invited in it. 1954 Jawaharlal Nehru signed Pancheel agreement in which China and India  promised to peacefully coexist without any war based on 5 main principles.
Jawaharlal Nehru instead of joining US or Soviet Union stared his own block under the name of non aligned nation. In 1960, he made the biggest mistake of his life by rejecting veto power and recommended China as a appropriate candidate under the excuse that  India was a member of non aligned block and had no use of such power .

India China always had dispute over the border but it was ignorance of Indian leaders that they only saw Pakistan as a threat and kept their eyes closed on China. You must have heard the story of mice and cat when one mice close hiseyes and tell everyone to close their eyes in hope that cat won’t kill them. It was the blind faith of honourable Prime minister that gave India a humiliating defeat in 1962. 
1959: Hight of blindness  
It was the goodwill of Chinese media  that they published a report of inauguration of road and incompetence of Indian intelligence that India was not aware about the construction of road between Xinjang to Lahasa through Akasai Chin which India claimed as its own. India expressed their grievances against the construction of road but it was fruitless.
Historical 1960:-
 Mao- Zedong was the chairperson of Communist China (President) and Zhou Enlai was Premier (Prime minister). Zhou Enlai visited India visited India with a dream settlement in which he proposed a permanent border based on status quo. China controlled most of the Aaksai Chin so China will get Akasai Chin and India will get control over North Eastern Frontier Agency (Present day Arunachal Pradesh). Jawaharlal Nehru was not successful in getting support from his own cabinet which made Zhon Enlai angry. 
Jawaharlal Nehru gave up in the pressure of his own government and adopted “Forward policy” against China . According to which he ordered Indian army to set permanent bunkers at Mccmohan line and also asked troops to patrol beyond Mccmohan line.
China used this forward policy as an excuse to start a war under the pretext that India wants to liberate Tibet from China.

Republic gram 
Sujeet Amberkar 
Insta : @republic_gram_28


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